Cultural Village | Milwaukee Irish Fest
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 Cultural Village 

Irish Fest features an area on the south end of the grounds dedicated to Irish and Celtic history, language, art, and culture. On the schedule page of our website, click "culture" on the filter dropdown to view the cultural programming for this year's festival.

Cultural Pavilion

The Pavilion continues its long tradition of bringing all things Irish and Celtic to the festival through digital and physical displays. 


Steeped in tradition, brimming with talent, and sweetened with native speakers, the Gaeltacht line-up is sure to hit the spot. The Gaeltacht, or Irish-speaking area, will showcase the Irish language and traditional Irish culture. You can learn simple Irish phrases or challenge yourself with some flirty chat-up lines! You can stop in any time and enjoy traditional Irish humor, song, dance, and language. The Gaeltacht is where the Irish go to feel at home.


How did your Celtic ancestors get to the Midwest? Find out at the genealogy tent, located on the south end of the grounds in the cultural area. This year’s interesting new displays focus on the immigration of your Celtic ancestors and their travel to midwestern states, which includes mapping of these immigration routes. Come meet professional genealogists who will make presentations and provide consultations. The tent will also bring back favorite exhibits on DNA, Irish First Names, Irish Surnames, and much more to assist you in your genealogical journey. One-to-one researchers will also be available to support you in your searches. Don’t miss out on visiting this area to complete your Irish Fest experience!

Hedge School

History, genealogy, politics, literature, modern culture, and more will be discussed in the Hedge School. 

Irish Language Workshop - Ceardlann na Gaeilge

Learn more about Gaelic, the Irish language, and its history at our Irish Language Workshop tent. 

Literary Corner

We are now accepting book submissions for potential inclusion in this year's Literary Corner. Works must explore Irish, Scottish, or Celtic themes. Authors interested in being considered are invited to submit a copy of their book/s for review.

Please note that participation in the Literary Corner is by invitation only, following a review by our selection committee. Authors will be notified of their status after the review process.

Submission Address:
CelticMKE Center
ATTN: Literary Corner
1532 N. Wauwatosa Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53213

Thank you for sharing your work with us!

Theatre Pavilion

In keeping with the rich Irish association with theater performance, Irish Fest will again present a range of plays for audience enjoyment. 



Currach Races
This year's Irish Fest will feature currach races from the Milwaukee Currach Club, which you can watch along the lagoon on Saturday from 12 to 3 p.m.

More details coming soon.

Gaelic Football

Have you ever played soccer, basketball, volleyball, or just enjoy sports? Interested in trying an Irish sport that dates back to 1308?  Join the members of the Miltown Gaels as they demonstrate the ins and outs of Gaelic football. Activities will include live demonstrations of the sport, interactive drills, and prizes. Past recordings of Gaelic Football matches will be available for the curious to view.


Check out the hurling demonstration area to learn about one of Ireland's ancient, native Gaelic games from Milwaukee Hurling Club.


Ireland Bluffs

Aer Lingus Milwaukee Irish Fest Sponsor

Arena Americas at Milwaukee Irish Fest

Audio Biz

Catholic Financial Life

CiderBoys Milwaukee Irish Fest Sponsor

Epic Creative Milwaukee Irish Fest Sponsor

Five Farms Irish Cream

Habush Habush Rottier


Tourism Ireland

Lakefront Brewery

Miller Lite

Northwoods Web Solutions

Parkview-Senior Living Community Center


  • Artist
  • Paddy
  • Celtic Canine & Kid
  • Artist with Violin
  • Crowd
  • Irish Fest Fans
  • Young Irish Dancers
  • Young Kid and Dad
  • Wisconsin Irish
  • Young Kids Dancing

Milwaukee Irish Fest Logo

1532 N. Wauwatosa Ave
Milwaukee, WI
Festival Grounds
Henry Maier Festival Park
Milwaukee, WI


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