Travel Ireland | Irish Destinations | Milwaukee Irish Fest
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Travel Ireland Area


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Visit with Ireland Travel Experts

Ladies Serving Irish Fest Food



Travel Ireland
Located just inside and south of the Main Gate, Travel Ireland provides the experts to get you to Ireland, get you around Ireland and provide your accommodations when you're there. You will be able to meet experienced trip leaders and actually book your trip on the spot. The Travel Ireland area is anchored by Aer Lingus and features tour companies, hotel groups and travel agencies. More information available at Irish Fest. **Travel Ireland is open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Milwaukee Irish Fest.

Irish Destinations
Before you book your accommodations, stop in the Irish Destinations area to find out what there is to do and see in Ireland. Located South of the main gate and North of the Miller Lite Stage, Irish Destinations provides the information you need to decide where to visit during your trip to Ireland. This area is anchored by Tourism Ireland and includes county and city representatives. They will provide you with the latest information from all over Ireland. Pick up some of their beautiful brochures and discuss your options with experts in Irish tourism. **Irish Destinations is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Milwaukee Irish Fest.


Ireland Bluffs

Aer Lingus Milwaukee Irish Fest Sponsor

Arena Americas at Milwaukee Irish Fest

Audio Biz

Catholic Financial Life

CiderBoys Milwaukee Irish Fest Sponsor

Epic Creative Milwaukee Irish Fest Sponsor

Five Farms Irish Cream

Habush Habush Rottier


Tourism Ireland

Lakefront Brewery

Miller Lite

Northwoods Web Solutions

Parkview-Senior Living Community Center


  • Artist
  • Paddy
  • Celtic Canine & Kid
  • Artist with Violin
  • Crowd
  • Irish Fest Fans
  • Young Irish Dancers
  • Young Kid and Dad
  • Wisconsin Irish
  • Young Kids Dancing

Milwaukee Irish Fest Logo

1532 N. Wauwatosa Ave
Milwaukee, WI
Festival Grounds
Henry Maier Festival Park
Milwaukee, WI


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