Irish Fest youth volunteers are the future of the festival, and the organization encourages kids ages 13 and over to participate and immerse in Irish culture. We place volunteers in all different areas of the festival to work 3-4 hour shifts. Past jobs have included helping with the parade, helping with children's crafts and activities, and greeting our guests. Keep scrolling to view current opportunities.

Children and families of all ages are welcome to volunteer with a trusted adult. Youth between the ages of 13-17 can volunter and do not need to be accompanied by a parent in order to participate. All volunteers will receive tickets for Thursday's Grand Hooley, a participant pass and food coupons. Anyone under the age of 18 who volunteers at the festival will need to have a permission slip. Fill out the permission slip below and mail it to the Irish Fest office at 1532 Wauwatosa Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53213 or email it to youth@irishfest.com.
Permission Slip

Current Youth Volunteer Opportunities
Pirate Paddy and Front Gate
The Pirate Paddy Family Passport is a fun and easy activity for all ages. We staff locations across the festival grounds and our shifts range from 3-4 hours in shaded locations with seating. This job is perfect for families and anyone who wishes to volunteer. Your responsibilities will include stamping passports and leading simple crafts.
For those comfortable with standing for longer periods of time, we are also looking for friendly greeters at the front gate to hand out brochures to incoming festival patrons. It is important to note that these shifts are not typically in shaded areas; however, water is provided and breaks are always encouraged!
Kids under the age of 13 may volunteer with their parent or guardian, ages 13-17 may volunteer on their own with a signed permission slip from their parent or guardian, and ages 18 and up can simply sign up. During your shift you will be provided with water and admission to the festival.
Paddy and Molly McFest Mascots
Paddy and Molly McFest have been Irish Fest's beloved mascots for many years, and now you can be a part of the long-standing tradition! We are looking for individuals to take part in daily parades and meet & greets while in costume as Paddy and Molly. This job is ideal for outgoing, social youth volunteers that are comfortable standing for longer periods of time in warm weather. Shift times vary from 2-3 hours and include as many breaks as each volunteer requires for water and to cool down.
Volunteers must be 15 and older with volunteers under the age of 18 providing a signed permission slip from a parent or guardian. Due to the sizing of the costumes, ideal participant height will be 5’5”- 6’2”.
Please contact paddyandmolly@irishfest.com with any questions you may have.