The Cosmic Otters make people dance.
We start with a solid rhythmic foundation of guitar and piano, add inventive fiddle harmonies, and finish with juicy, pulsing accordion playing and tasteful percussion.
The tunes are from the British Isles and its relatives – Ireland, England and Scotland with side trips to Cape Breton and Quebec – but definitely our own, with an unshakable drive and playful improvisations that make dancers smile. We play for contra dances, Irish set dances, English country dances, and square dances, in dance halls, in houses, at parties, at house parties.
We are located in the midwestern United States and venture farther away from home for special events. Thanks to the magic of Zoom and some behind-the-scenes stuff that Jonathan and Eric have figured out, we can appear just about anywhere now.
We have produced two albums: Indiana Sunrise (2013) and The Longest Night (2021)
To find out where to dance to us next, check out where we’re playing – and we’ll see you on the dance floor.